Building a Website in Three Minutes (literally) with a Custom Domain Name

Welcome to this training video that will show you how to build your own website with your own custom domain name such as “” or””

This video training is perfect if you want a professional website without spending a lot of money and you’re a small business, a solopreneur, or if you’re an individual who would love to have a professional website to serve as an electronic portfolio or resume for getting a job. It’s helpful even if you just want to start a blog.

You’ll not only learn how to purchase website hosting, how to choose your own domain name, and how to build a website with WordPress, you’ll learn that this is all simple enough that you can do it in 3 minutes!

Intrigued? Watch the video! 🙂

(Note: My webhost updates and improves their webpages. Some steps may vary from the video, but it’s still ultimately the same process.)


Building a Website Pro is Born and Ready to Serve

The title of this post speaks for itself… this new website, created to train you in building a website, is ready to serve you.

Whether you’re a website newbie, technological guru or or techno-phobe, this website was started to help anyone brave enough to say, “I’m sick of all the website gimmicks and high-priced web designers… I’m building my own website with my own website domain name!” This site is built for you who are willing to step up, watch a few videos, read a few lessons, and take action to setup and maintain your own website.

Want to hear some GREAT news?! It’s NOT as hard as you think it is to create and maintain your own site! Yeah!

Between great free technology and my coaching through each step of the process, you have nothing to fear and everything to gain… like a website with your name or your business name on it. Awesome!

Well, as of writing this post, I already have some great materials in store for you. They’re not ready yet, but they will be over the next several weeks. This website will only get better from here, and I look forward to working with you to help you fulfill your dream of creating, building, and having your own website!

All the best,

Michael Szapkiw
Your Building a Website Pro